quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013
The Sinful 7 of Delite "Double Inferno"
Even though this books have small stories, they are such goodies that I can't just get enough.
The town of Delite, Texas is such a free minded town, without any mind judgement and prejudice, that I wouldn't mind getting on a plane and running away to it.
I think that what I most like in this books is the lack of prejudice from the society and that's why this place comes from the mind and imagination of someone that writes stories for us daydreamers.
In this book, we are going to find a step further into the sex drive of this men that inhabit this town, the BDSM elements that are so appealing to alpha men and in a measure to us women that find that a little control and kinkiness is good in the "sack".
The dixie chic we have in this book is Paula.
After having an abusive relationship in the past, she has reservations in getting involved in another relationship, especially when it comes
to Matt and Tyler.
Rumor has it that they're Doms and after having been hurt, Paula is in no way open to risk another heartache.
Matt and Tyler are hard, dominating men, and they had they're eye on Paula for a while.
Tyler thinks that she's too young and probably is not what they're looking for but Matt doesn't think so, he thinks that his brother is already over his head and his heart is already fallen for this dixie chic.
When Paula begins to receive letters from a stalker and is put in danger, the men enter in protection gear and together protect the woman they love.
Paula is a woman that could be like any one of us if we had that bad experience.
The fear that she feels is real and I do understand why she has ran away from this two men, it's not a fact that she's young but yes, the fact that probably she will be in over her head, or should I say over her bed.
My pull towards this character was a positive one, she was real, balanced and at the same time bold.
Now, the two hot heads, Matt and Tyler.
Matt is the sweet and hot, always the understanding one. It could be our best friend or confidante, but when it comes to making love, his needs are real and demanding, so .... read the book girls, you'll like it.
Tyler is the boss or should I say, is the one that we would
droll and not over but pretend that we're not looking. His way is harsh
and not very nice most of the time but when the mask comes off, well he's a honey.
When this two come together, sexually speaking, the heat is on.
Again, we find that the story is balanced between the relationship, the sex and the action, that pushes you to keep turning the pages until the end.
As I already said, I love this books and love this series. I want more!
Shiloh Walker "Djinn's Wish"
After having found out that her husband betrayed her with her best friend, Kat is involved in a car crash that leaves her blind. Being a rising star in the art world with her paintings, Kat turns into a solitary woman, never leaving her house and isolating herself from the world outside.
All of that changes when she acquires a mirror that comes with a djinn living inside it.
Tam has been trapped by his own will in the mirror for ages, but now the thing that he most wants is to be free and roam the world at his own will. For that to happen, a person has to give up her own wish and give the mirror to Tam.
After meeting Kat, he sees an opportunity to be free, but in the process of convincing this woman, he falls in love and is not sure anymore that he can walk away.
This story was very sweet and very eye opening for us reader's.
Here we have the chance to dwell in our minds the possibility to give a little more importance to our everyday life and our main abilities to live a normal life without any restrictions, give a little more credit to what surrounds us and take pleasure in little things of our everyday life.
Tam was a character that I liked and was interesting to see how he recognized an intelligent, brave and sexy woman, not being prejudicial with her disability.
Their love story was rapture in the true sense of the word and their involvement was so good to read.
Overall I loved this story and yes, love conquers all, in the pages of books that is.
The great town of Delite, Texas
After having an abusing childhood at the hands of her family and an abusing relationship at the hands of a man that had no kindness and love in his soul, Susan escapes and with her cousins, they manage to raise a life for themselves at Dixie Chix.
Never trusting any man and managing to never let her guard down she carries on without love, mostly running away from the affection from the sheriff and his brother Monte.
BJ and Monte have been swept away since the first time they saw Susan, but after having tried to convince her that they would make the perfect threesome, she runs.
Can they convince and show Susan that they are destined to be together ?
And when danger nears, are they able to save the woman they love and want to keep ?
This is the first book from the "The Sinful 7 of Delight" and was the first book that I read from this author.
I have always loved this small town "loves" with some new relationships to think about and dwell in my mind. This book has all the ingredients that make this small book (107 pages, read it in about 2H) a pearl from beginning to end.
It has two alpha males, it has a "southern belle" ready to swipe them off their feet, it has a bad guy, it has a dark past and a bright future, it has ... a hot loving between the sheets, but what I most liked is the way the story was told.
Simple and constructively, the story flows through the pages without being too complicated or too shocking when it comes to sex.
Everything is in the right measure.
For a refreshing read and few hours of relaxation from real life, read this book, you won't regret it.
I'm "Burning Up", an Anthologie
In "Burning Up" we have a very good start with "Whisper of Sin".
The story is set in Chinatown and we have the story of Emmett and Ria.
Ria comes from a traditional family and is attacked by order of a gang because her family denied to pay "protection".
Emmett is part of the Dark River pack and is a leopard. He almost instantly recognizes Ria as his mate and from that moment on the game starts.
Between leading with Ria's family and wining her over to him the bad guys are taken down and we have a happy ending.
I pretty much enjoyed this story and got me wondering why I never read the Psy-Changeling Series or anything from this author. She won me over and I'm a fan.
What I really enjoyed from this story :
1) Emmett - I'm a sucker for a big, bad macho that loves his woman and protects her from the ugliness of life.
2) Ria - I love a woman that can face up the challenge of taking on her family and fighting for the man she loves. Shows character, perseverance, and wise knowledge. Love it when that woman can pull this through without hurting those she loves and doing it quietly right under their noses.
3) Emmett and Ria lovemaking - I do love a good attraction and when that infatuation turns into a good "rub" and winds up into a hot "fight" between the sheets or anywhere else, you got me. We can't forget that Emmett is a big wild cat and Ria is a little, but very smart woman who knows how to take care of the big bad cat, so ....
4)Short story - Even though this is into an Anthologie and is a short story, in the end I didn't get that feeling that things rushed out a little or that the development of the story got cut in short, so this was a goog thing.
I will take up on this series from the start and enjoy this beautiful Psy-Changeling, and when I get here, I'll probably re-read Ria's and Emmett's story with pleasure.
Thea Harrison Dragon Bound

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Bare in mind that this one goes to my favorites shelf, it's up for a read, re-read, a million times, over and over. This said let's move on.
Thea Harrison drove me into an amazing world where humans lived side by side with Wyr, fairies, vampires, and where old magic exists with modernity, computers, big cities, borders to magic kingdoms ....
From the first page that I read, I couldn't put down the book, I just wanted more and more .... and as usual, after the last page, in the days that followed I would go back to this registry of amazing make up believe tale.
I found a solution of course, I moved on to the second book, solved problem.
Pia has lived all her life with her mother, hiding among humans, in their world and always having in mind that she has to go on un-announced, always being careful not to be noticed. She really doesn't know why but she trusts her mother's words.
When her mother dies, she starts to crack up and feels lonely, she is not cut to live alone without someone to bring her some love and some comfort.
The problem is that people aren't always what they seem and she get's blackmailed to steal property that belongs to Dragos, Lord of the Wyr. What a mess ....
When he comes after her she runs, but will she turn her back on the one thing she's been searching for ?
How I liked our heroin, Pia turned out to be a delightful character, with all the girly stuff mixed up with a resourceful mind and big heart.
She really tries to live day by day with the thought of "it's going to be a good day", but circumstances of life and her choices do not help.
Her adventure really kicks off when Dragos goes after her, when she realizes that the beast has a heart, a heart that could be humanized and loved. The courage that takes to tame this beast is what got me hooked in their relationship, the fact that with her everything is pure and sane.
Now, I must tell you, Dragos, our dragon, is a beast I wouldn't mind taming anytime of the day, even though I have my doubts that I would achieve that task.
From the beginning of time, he has roamed this world and evolved with it. He was considered a beast and has Lord of the Wir, he is powerful, ruthless, territorial and selfish.
But Pia fulfills his heart and without a doubt, again, she is such a wonderful brave "thing". It's hard for him to understand that women have a hole different mind and need warmth in their hearts, but he will take the step to understand and make it happen.
The other characters were interesting and the ambiance in which all of it happen, ties up with a million possibilities to other stories down the road.
What I most liked about M. Harrison's writing was the way the Other territories were described, with a perfection that were almost scenic and the attacks and escapes helped to make a perfect thread from beginning to end.
By this time, I'm already done with the second book and moving on.
I'm a dedicated fan, what can I say ....
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
For starters, I have to say that the first story, " The Demon Lord's Cloak " from Delilah Devlin, didn't impress me much. I did smile and yes it was a funny and tender story but there was something missing.
For me the story pick's up when Voletta meets Damien and has to accept that she belongs to him. I think that her lack of fear is due to the fact that she's not human at all and probably her life would be different from a human.
Not used to give up control, Voletta always had free will to go and be whatever she wanted. There is also an inocence of physical knowledge and we see her falling in love with her own encarcerer, as we see her discover the pleasures of the body.
On the other hand, we have Damien, Lord Malphas, a cursed fallen angel, a dark soul that falls in love with Voletta and makes an effort to keep her in his embrace.
I liked Damien, his sensuality, his tenderness, and his honesty in the decision to let her go free.
In the end, I did like the story, but I still felt that there was something missing.
The second story " Night Sins " from Lisa Renee Jones enchanted my mind and bewitched my senses. I love the good old dark vampires and a good love story, so this one really appealed to me.
We have Kayla Ward, a watcher, and then we have Ethan, a hot vampire. While she's trying to catch a murderer vampire that is killing in Vegas, Ethan is trying to find out where is the leak in his staff is and find who is helping the Blood Brothers, vampires that are trying to take the city from his hold. They are killing his former lovers and before it's too late, he has to protect Kayla from them.
She is his blood mate and they cannot deny the atraction between them.
This story has all the good ingredients, beautifully written, and with a plot development that takes you from the first page to the last wanting more.
About "The Devil's Paradise" by Megan Kerans, tells the story of Dashiel Wilde, a soulless demon and Justice Malloy, a human. They meet in " The Last Resort Hotel " when Justice goes out to find a place for the reception of a wedding for one of her clients.
This hotel has the catch of only appearing when there are too many sinners walking the earth and it is taken care by our demon. Bound to the hotel, his soul is only freed by someone that will love him for what he is, but with so many sinners, sex and lust, it is very dificult to find a woman that has in her heart true love. He is provided with a compass that measures one's true self and the measure of it's lust.
Ovelooking this story by it's hole, I enjoyed it and would give a 3 stars to it, eventhough I think that the first three chapters were a little bit rushed.
View all my reviews
sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013
The " Twilight " Effect

So let's talk about Twilight .... again. I'm not going after all this time to review a book that every young, single, married, mother .... whatever, has read and reviewed, but I still have some ideas about it that I never wrote and no better time like this Friday to put out this words.
Twilight was my first "bridge" to vampire romance and the return to reading daily several genres of books. My love for other worlds beyond the pages was always an addiction and this book hit the target.
So about Bella, she was to me a very grown up character and very well created heroin. With her soft, quiet personality, she is the image that simple is beautiful.
Edward was the prince charming that everyone dreamed of at that age. Protective and dangerous, a vampire should you imagine, that falls hopelessly in love with a weak mortal woman.
This two along with the feelings that words can take effect on readers along this ride created a recipe for success that took over the world by storm and entered in our tv and movie screens to always remember love.
Blood Bound by Rachel Vincent
Rachel Vincent is a reference in Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy known by all Paranormal lovers and doesn't need an introduction for anyone, but in my case, this was the first time that I picked up a book by this author. I was expectant to say the least, wanting to understand why this book would "rock my boat" and make me run to the rest of her works. Well, it really was a pleasant surprise when I finished the book and was left wanting more. Now for the story ... The first thing I have to point out is the whole environment in which this story takes place. This would be a city that I would find exciting and at the same time, dangerous, but worth knowing, at least once in my life, to live an adventure, a roller coaster, shared with the element that I find attracting - shadows and nighgt. Reading the first pages, I knew that Ms. Vincent had created a "dark noir" set, beautifully written and achieved. The next element that pleased me was the "mob" element. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan but when inserted in a dark story like this one and with this characters, it's for me the cherry on top of the cake. Now for the thread that glued the book to me .... the fast paced action, the roller coaster ride, the never ending action and the loss of time to rest your eyes of the pages of the book. This was a very well written and weaved plot, finalizing in a very good story. The characters : Liv Warren is a woman that I would have liked to meet. Strong and vulnerable, passionate and loyal, doing what has to be done, knowing very wisely to stand down the occasion calls to it and never accepting defeat, that's who our heroin is. Cam Caballero is a hunk of a man and one that obviously I wouldn't mind to meet. He is possessive of the woman he loves, knowing when to push forward and above all human, because we all make mistakes in our lives and life should let us redeem at least some of them. The relationship between Liv and Cam was one that got me thinking that probably it would have been better to tell the truth than running away from fate. Liv made the mistake of leaving him without an explanation and Cam made the mistake of being weak and losing himself in the moment. I think their even. Who I really loved and thought that was very well characterized was our villain. I almost liked him you know, and one of the things that I find in this good books is to see a character in front of me like a real man and not someone in the pages of a book. The author pulled it off, congratulations. Now, when all of this is said what are you waiting to pick up this good book and read it ?https://twitter.com/PatBLoverhttp://flyingovermars.blogspot.pt/
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