Combined with a bad boy drummer and a strong female character, this book has all the ingredients to go right.
I'm drawn to this kind of stories like a moth to a flame, I enjoy this scenarios so much that the attraction never wears off. Bad boys with women that know what they want, if they're not certain they battle their way to find out what course to take in life. They're an example to all women, even if they are fictional character's, but Lauren Dane creates them as examples of what we can achieve our selves.

The first series that I read from Laura was the Brown Family and I read the books out of curiosity. Like everyone that loves to read, as soon as the first pages started turning my eyes kept searching for more. I knew at the moment I had found a gem among my list of authors to read.
This series brings us the stories of special people in a world that we all aim to live in.
Satisfied in their work, finding a partner in life, their pasts worked out and solved, who wouldn't like to live in such a world.

All this is accomplished by the author, the way she writes, the imagination she introduces and the way her characters are created, leads the reader's to follow this books and count the days and months for the next book to come out.

Another thing that I find captivating is the cover's of her books, and we all know that sometimes a beautiful cover is not by all means the meaning of a good story.
This isn't so in this case. I think that the visual aspect helps
a hole lot in this series that before reading, we're already imagining what the plot will be, how our bad boy will look like and how our female is awesome and beautiful.

Lauren Dane has the ability of not repeating herself, from book to book, and we never loose track of the past couples, with new developments in their lives.
Again the next cover is beautiful I urge all of you to roam to the author's website for this and other news on her books and series, http://www.laurendane.com/.
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