sábado, 25 de maio de 2013

What's coming up in June ...

Good Morning everyone, today is a beautiful hot and sunny day here in Lisbon and Summer is coming closer and closer.

Summer in my country is the same as talking about hot weather, beach picnics and just laying in the sun getting toasted. It's about kids playing in the park, water games and endless sunny days.

For those of you that never visited Portugal, if want a good and restful vacation, this is the place to come.

Now, after the kids vacation starts and the days grow longer, I find the time for more reading, for enjoying my imagination, fall in love with my most wanted characters and in the process, find new writing that appeal to my mind's eye.

So, I'm making, finally, a TBR list for June, on the assumption that I'll read two full novels during a 5 week day, leaving the weekends for finishing up late reads that haven't been finished during the week.
In between I'll be probably reading other small novellas that catch my eye and other books that I'll probably put ahead of others, or because I can't help myself or because the author asked me to review it, ARC by author.

As towards NetGalley, I will be in full sail, they have such great opportunities for the reader's that I can't help myself to check it everyday. If you haven't check it out yet do it.

To find out what my books will be for June roam over to my account in Goodreads, (http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/3807597-patricia?shelf=currently-reading) or Booklikes, (http://patmelo.booklikes.com/), and friend me, follow me, or just read me. You can come in to Lost in a moment, there's always something to read, a review, and I hope that now I'll be having more time to spend here ...

So, musings apart, have a good weekend and remember ...

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